MB University

MB University

Career Development Center for Students, Researchers, and Student Support

Welcome to the website of the Center for Career Development of Students, Researchers and Student Support. The Center for Career Development and Counseling of Students and Researchers aims to prepare students for entering the labor market after graduation, to connect them with employers and to provide them with support in acquiring those knowledge and skills that are needed in the modern business world.

Useful links

Agencije sa skraćenicom HR (Human Resources) su uslužno-posredničke firme, specijalizovane za ostvarivanje kontakta između kandidata za posao i zainteresovanih preduzeća koja nastoje da popune radna mesta. Većina velikih kompanija radi uštede vremena angažuju HR agencije, koje stručnim metodama procenju stručni kvalitet kandidata i najbolje šalju poslodavcu na finalne razgovore. Ostali kandidati ostaju u agencijskoj bazi podataka čekajući neku novu šansu.

Vodič za karijerni razvoj studenata https://www.najstudent.com/

Studentski život https://www.studentskizivot.com/

Britanski centar: https://www.britishcouncil.rs/ ,   https://www.britishcouncil.org/

Francuski kulturni centar: https://ccf.org.rs/

Servantes institut: https://belgrado.cervantes.es/rs/default.shtm

Gete institut: https://www.goethe.de/ins/cs/sr/index.html?wt_sc=belgrad

Ruski centar za nauku i kuturu: https://ruskidom.rs/

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