Why choose MB University?
Modern and internationally comparable programs
The academic programs at MB University are meticulously crafted following the curriculum standards of renowned global universities. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our teaching methodologies, with over 70 subjects utilizing translated textbooks sourced from leading American and European universities. This ensures that our students receive education of the highest standard, equipping them with knowledge and skills on par with their peers worldwide.
Practical orientation
Naših sedamnaest studijskih programa nude akademsku izvrsnost, ali i snažnu praktičnu orijentaciju, što se ostvaruje kroz: obezbeđenje prakse za sve studente u nekoj od preko 40 partnerskih kompanija u zemlјi i inostranstvu (koja je od 2020/2021. i obavezna), primenu praktičnih IT alata u nastavi, besplatno organizovanje brojnih praktičnih kurseva (modeliranje u Excelu, veštine prezentovanja, retorika, klasičnog slikarstva, programski jezik Java i C++, zaštita IKT, razvoj karijere i priprema za razgovor za zaposlenje, i sl.), slanje studenata na međunarodna takmičenja u rešavanju studija slučaja i sl. Na Univerzitetu MB postoji i Savet poslodavaca, koji čini pet predstavnika najvišeg nivoa menadžmenta u domaćim i međunarodnim kompanijama i institucijama, koji svojim savetima obezbeđuje kontinuirano usklađivanje programa sa potrebama svetskog i domaćeg tržišta rada.

Guaranteed good employment
More than 80% of our university graduates find employment within six months of graduation, primarily within their chosen profession. For students who complete their studies on time with an average grade above 9.0, the Faculty of Business and Law ensures job offers in their specialized field. Our alumni hold key management roles in various domestic and international companies and institutions.
Međunarodno priznata diploma
Univerzitet MB poseduje međunarodnu profesionalnu akreditaciju, iz oblasti finansija i računovodstva, dodelјenu od strane renomiranog udruženja ACCA, koja potvrđuje usklađenost naši studijskih programa sa najvišim međunarodnim profesionalnim standardima iz ove oblasti. Naš Poslovni i pravni fakultet je član Evropske federacije za razvoj menadžmenta (EFMD), koja okuplјa najbolјe svetske fakultete iz oblasti biznisa i menadžmenta. Mnogi naši alumnisti
danas zauzimaju visoke položaje u bankama, preduzećima i različitim institucijama u
Minhenu, Cirihu, Londonu, Nјujorku, Amsterdamu i sl.
Mobility abroad
At our university, students are offered the chance to spend a semester studying at one of over 100 partner universities worldwide. During this time, they can take exams that will be fully recognized upon their return.
Assistance in starting your business
At our university, the Start-up Center offers dedicated support to students looking to transform their business ideas into viable start-up ventures. Selected student teams are granted workspace at the Faculty of Business and Law building and they can benefit from mentorship provided by our professors and industry experts to kickstart their entrepreneurial journey.
The Faculty of Business and Law at MB University was established in 2002. Since then, over 10, 000 students have graduated from our business and law programs, as well as the Academy of Classical Painting. Additionally, over a thousand students have successfully completed master's degrees, and more than 200 candidates have earned doctorate degree in various fields including economics, management, business, information technology, and art. With over fifteen hundred students and a faculty comprising 100 distinguished professors, our university stands prominently in the heart of the city. It is recognized as one of the leading private institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, particularly excelling in economics, business, art, and information technology. Our professors boast not only impressive academic credentials but also extensive practical expertise gained from study visits to global universities and significant roles held in renowned companies and governmental institutions.
MB University upholds rigorous quality standards across all levels of higher education. Committed to excellence, MB University adheres to the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia in every aspect, ensuring the preservation of quality and the maintenance of high academic standards.
– For more information on our study programs, click HERE..
– What subjects to expect in the first year? Find out HERE..
– Who among our alumni have become celebrities? Find out HERE..
– How and when can I visit MB University? Find out HERE..
– Affirmative Action Program: Enrolling individuals with disabilities Find out HERE..
– Everything you need to know about enrollment exam. Click HERE..
– Find out everything about enrollment requirements. Click HERE..
For insights into the experience of studying at our MB University, take a look at the testimony of one of our students from this generation.