MB University

Recognition of foreign higher education documents for continuing education at MB University

Information about the procedure for recognizing foreign higher education documents for the purpose of continuing education and the necessary documents can be found at https://mbuniverzitet.edu.rs/.

The applicant must submit the request and accompanying documentation in hard copy form to the University of Belgrade by the conclusion of the procedure and upon meeting the specified conditions.

The evaluation of a foreign study program entails assessing the nature and proficiency level of knowledge and skills attained within a study program or its segments conducted at a foreign higher education institution.

Recognition of foreign higher education documents for continuing education entails the process through which individuals holding foreign higher education credentials are evaluated for their eligibility to pursue further education. Specifically, it involves assessing their eligibility for inclusion in higher education programs at MB University in Belgrade.

- The procedure

- Necessary documents

- Contact information and reception hours for visitors

- Additional information

- Recognition of foreign higher education documents for employment purposes

- Recognition of secondary school documents


The procedure

The evaluation and recognition process for continuing education entails submitting a formal request to the MB University office. Upon receiving the request, MB University gets in touch with the Qualifications Agency of the Republic of Serbia to acquire information concerning the accreditation status of the foreign higher education institution from which the document was obtained, as well as details about the candidate's study program. If both the institution and the program hold accreditation, the request undergoes deliberation by the Committee of MB University for recognition of foreign higher education documents intended for continuing education. This involves conducting an evaluation of the foreign study program, guided by the criteria outlined in the Rulebook, alongside the recognition procedure, which is in accordance with the criteria set forth in the same Rulebook. The evaluation procedure ends with the issuance of a decision, while the recognition procedure concludes with the formal adoption of a decision.

During the recognition process for continuing education, the evaluation of a foreign study program, or its segments, is conducted in order to ensure eligibility for continuing higher education pursuits, including potential inclusion within specific levels of higher education and selected study programs.

Recognition of a foreign higher education documents for continuing education is executed in accordance with the guidelines specified in the Rulebook.


Necessary documentation

The process of diploma recognition starts with the submission of two copies of the request for recognizing a foreign higher education document, along with the following documents:

1. two copies of a certified photocopy of the diploma and its supplement;

2. two copies of the translation of the document referenced in point 1, duly certified by an authorized sworn-in court interpreter of the Republic of Serbia;

3. two copies of a certified photocopy of the list of passed exams if a diploma supplement hasn't been issued in the candidate's name;

4. two copies of the translation of the document referred to in point 3, duly certified by an authorized sworn-in court interpreter of the Republic of Serbia;

5. proof of payment for the associated procedure costs;

6. proof of any change in name or surname, if applicable.

The procedure for recognizing the document on the completed part of the study program, for integration into the ongoing level of higher education starts with the submission of two copies of the request for the recognition of the foreign higher education document, along with the following documentation:

1. two certified photocopies of the certificate indicating the completion of the relevant segment of the study program, along with a list of successfully passed exams

2. two copies of a summary outlining the completed part of the study program, including the list of passed exams;

3. two copies of translated documents from points 1 and 2, each certified by an authorized sworn-in court interpreter of the Republic of Serbia;

4. comprehensive information regarding the content of the foreign study program, either in electronic or printed format;

5. proof of payment for the associated procedure costs.

The fee for the recognition of a foreign higher education document for continuing education purposes is 12,000 dinars (instructions for dinar payment   / instructions for foreign currency payment/ ).

Additionally, the candidate may be requested to provide supplementary documentation during the procedure if necessary.

Navedena dokumentacija može se predati u pisarnici Univerziteta MB u Beogradu (Teodora Drajzera 27), svakog radnog dana od 08:30 do 16 časova ili poslati putem pošte.

The submission deadline is stipulated in the General conditions of the enrollment into the desired level of study. Applicants holding foreign higher education documents seek enrollment in their preferred study program by submitting, along with the required competition documentation, either a recognition decision or a certificate indicating the initiation of the recognition procedure (if the process hasn't been finalized).

The certificate on the initiation of the recognition procedure is issued upon the candidate's request, on the condition that the submitted documentation is complete. To obtain the certificate, the candidate must pay a special fee amounting 5,000 dinars to MB University account (instructions for payment in dinars / instructions for foreign currency payment  ).


Additional information

A candidate initiating the process for further education at master's or doctoral academic levels must, along with two copies of the request, submit documentation from both their undergraduate and master's studies. This includes two certified photocopies of the diploma and the diploma supplement, and two copies of their translation, irrespective of whether these documents were obtained abroad or in the Republic of Serbia.

In exceptional cases where the candidate has not yet received their diploma at the time of initiating the recognition procedure, they may submit a certificate of graduation or another official document testifying the successful completion of the higher education program. Such documents are temporary and serve to establish the rights of the holder until the issuance of the diploma. If a candidate has provided a certificate of graduation instead of a diploma, a provisional decision will be made regarding their eligibility to continue education at MB University. The candidate must then submit two certified photocopies of the diploma and the original document for verification within one year from the date of issuance of the provisional decision on recognition. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the cancellation of the provisional decision, and the candidate will lose all rights granted based on that decision.

The candidate is not obliged to translate the documentation of higher education documents obtained in: Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia and Montenegro, provided that these documents were issued in one of the following official languages of the mentioned countries: Bosnian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian and Montenegrin, unless it is subsequently requested by the competent authority in the evaluation and recognition process.

Diplomas acquired in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), Serbia and Montenegro (SC), and the Republika Srpska - before April 27th, 1992, in SFRY; before June 16th , 2006 in Serbia and Montenegro; and in the Republika Srpska — are exempt from the recognition procedure. They hold the same legal validity as public documents issued in the Republic of Serbia.

Information regarding the recognition of higher education documents obtained at the European University and the International University in Brčko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina, can be found on the website of the Qualifications Agency of the Republic of Serbia.


Contact information and reception hours for visitors

For further details regarding recognition for continuing education, please feel free to reach out to us via mail or phone at the following number +381 (11) 3391 641, +381 (11) 823 24 27. You can also visit us in person during our reception hours for visitors: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 13:30 – 15:30, Friday 09:30 – 11:30 (Teodora Drajzera 27, Beograd).


Recognition for employment purposes

Recognition of foreign higher education documents for employment, also known as professional recognition, is conducted by the  Qualifications Agency of the Republic of Serbia.


Recognition of secondary school documents

The recognition of foreign secondary school documents for continuing education purposes is conducted by the Qualifications Agency of the Republic of Serbia.

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