MB University

A Word from the Rector

Dear future students, current students, teachers, collaborators, non-teaching staff, and friends of MB University,

MB University in Belgrade (hereinafter: University) is an independent institution of higher education that integrates educational, scientific, research, professional and artistic work as components of a unique process of higher education.

The goals of MB University are the following: transferring scientific, professional, artistic knowledge and skills; development of science and advancement of artistic creativity; educating highly skilled professionals; providing lifelong learning opportunities; significant increase in the number of people holding a higher education degree.

The strategy of MB University is to foster innovative and creative knowledge advancement within higher education in the Republic of Serbia, aiming for significant progress by 2025 and beyond.

Our primary goal is to become a leading higher education institution by strategically harnessing our teaching staff and material resources. We aspire to become a leading institution for the transfer of scientific, professional, and artistic knowledge and skills, thereby fostering the advancement of science, creativity, and preservation of the highest standards in teaching, learning, knowledge application, educational processes, and scientific research. Recognizing the challenges of an aging population, our success hinges on the enhancement of talents and capacities across all age groups. This necessitates a commitment to lifelong learning and broader participation in higher education process. 

MB University operates on privately owned funds. Established in 2020 through the visionary efforts of Prof.Dr Milija Bogavac, it stands as an independent institution of higher education. As such, it provides equal opportunities for individuals to obtain higher education degree and encourages lifelong learning. MB University faces the distinct challenge of harmonizing the activities of its organizational units and executing a distinctive policy focused on continually enhancing the quality of its operations.

MB University currently comprises the Faculty of Business and Law alongside the Academy of Classical Painting. The University boasts an efficient and well-defined organizational and management structure outlined in its Statute.

Harnessing the latest achievements of our world, the University grounds its global vision on fostering humane and functional working environments alongside sustainable ecological conditions. Its commitment to innovation extends to integrating knowledge, labor, life, and personal development, thus shaping a new educational experience. This approach cultivates learning abilities and creativity while uncovering opportunities for collaborative creativity, overcoming cultural, religious, national, and political differences through tolerance and bridging generational gaps. Modern education nurtures a new form of intelligence, harmonizing analytical and practical thinking, thereby harnessing significant civilizational potential in the 21st century.

Considering that societal, economic, and cultural advancement depends the continuous refinement and expansion of higher education, the University is committed to providing the highest standards of academic excellence. Our mission is to diligently cultivate a learning environment that not only meets but exceeds the evolving requirements of society and aligns with strategic national development goals. Through rigorous academic standards and comprehensive curricula, we aim to equip our students with the knowledge and skills essential for navigating and contributing to the complex challenges of the modern world. With unwavering determination, the University is dedicated to perpetually enhancing the quality of higher education and integrating into the European educational landscape. By consistently attaining and surpassing recognized benchmarks of excellence within the academic sphere, the University aims to maintain its position as one of the leading educational institutions in our region.

In extensive public consultations involving all interested parties, the University has designed the MB University Development Strategy and University Quality Assurance Plan spanning from 2020 to 2025. This comprehensive strategy encompasses the spectrum of academic pursuits, from undergraduate to postgraduate studies, with a clear focus on priorities such as:

  • Smart growth: University development based on knowledge and innovation;
  • Sustainable growth: with the focus on promoting greater resource efficiency and enhancing the competitiveness of our services, ensuring long-term viability and environmental responsibility;
  • Overall growth: we are dedicated to the continuous improvement and nurturing of all resources, with a strategic emphasis on educating teaching staff to meet the evolving needs of both the state and society.

The University's development thrives on two pivotal factors: leveraging knowledge-based growth to generate value and empowering individuals through the acquisition of new skills, while fostering creativity and innovation. Reinforcing education stands out as a paramount strategy in combating inequality and poverty, offering one of the most effective pathways to societal advancement.

The University aims to attain a genuine European-level expertise across diverse fields by 2025, encouraged by global knowledge leaders and infrastructure. This pursuit envisions a scenario where all parties—teaching staff, students, researchers, institutions, and businesses—derive mutual benefits from the exchange of people, knowledge, and technology. In alignment with its mission and vision, the University has articulated clear strategic objectives to drive this vision forward.

The University is committed to continually enhancing the sustainable development of higher education quality and integration within the European educational sphere. By consistently attaining universally recognized standards of excellence within the academic community, the University will uphold its position as one of the leading educational institutions in our region.

Nowadays, higher education at our University is esteemed not only as a pathway to increased income, but also as a way to enrich one's intellectual and spiritual journey. Education yields numerous personal benefits, such as the cultivation of a sense of identity, self-esteem, and personal fulfillment. Additionally, it leads to heightened productivity, enhanced civic and social engagement, improved upbringing practices, better health outcomes, and strives towards gender equality.

The teaching process at the University encompasses a series of meticulously planned, executed, and monitored activities, which span from lectures to various exercises, practical sessions, and student assessments. This dynamic process involves active participation of students, teaching staff, student services, library staff, faculty governing bodies, the academic council, and the dean's office. Collaboration and communication among all participants are integral to the execution of teaching activities, ensuring a cohesive learning experience for all involved.

Today, the University proudly upholds a socially responsible development strategy, with financing aligned with the objectives of higher education. We have implemented quality assurance mechanisms, characterized by continuous improvement, ensuring equality for all members of the University community. Our commitment extends to fostering research excellence and innovation, facilitating academic career advancement, and fostering strong bonds with the labor market. Through active internationalization efforts, which involve the engagement of teaching staff and students and promote comparability, we are expanding our global footprint. Notably, the University adheres to all criteria set forth by the National Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance in the Teaching Process in the Republic of Serbia, supported by an established Strategy and comprehensive documentation for quality assurance.

At our University, knowledge management integrates strategy, human capital, and organizational dynamics to optimal effect. We are committed to cultivating a modern, adaptable institution capable of meeting the evolving demands of society and the dynamic shifts in the global landscape. Central to our educational strategy is the cultivation of social partnerships, rooted in a deep understanding of societal needs and a shared commitment to progress. To this end, we are pioneering innovative curriculum formats that emphasize competencies alongside traditional knowledge acquisition. These competencies, summed up in our degree attributes, represent a synthesis of skills and specialized knowledge tailored to meet the demands of contemporary professions. By aligning our degree attributes with industry requirements, we equip graduates with the expertise needed to excel in their chosen fields.

In today's rapidly evolving world, economic paradigms are shifting from classical theories to embrace the significance of the knowledge economy, where intangible assets such as knowledge and technological processes are of the greatest significance. At our University, we've formulated a strategy rooted in competitiveness and international collaboration, leveraging our intellectual capital as a cornerstone. Recognizing the pivotal role of education, we prioritize investments in both human capital and cutting-edge technologies. By doing so, we not only enrich the intellectual capacity of our institution but also lay the groundwork for sustainable economic growth for the future. Teaching staff (human capital) directly affects the quality of higher education and partial differences in higher education between universities in the country and on the global level. The focus of work at the University is on the following values: constant improvement of teaching content; advancement of university professors (life-long learning); respecting academic freedoms; teamwork of students and teachers.  

The university boasts an efficient system and procedures for monitoring the fulfillment of plans and achieving strategic objectives. Various aspects of the organization's goals are oriented towards:

  • All interested parties, including users, employees, society, partners, and owners.
  • Performance: this encompasses processes and management systems, resource utilization, competitive analysis, product or service characteristics, and sustainability performance concerning both living and working environments.

The learning and development strategy defines intangible resources pivotal for achieving organizational objectives and fostering optimal engagement with students/clients. This perspective encompasses three key categories:

  1. Strategic competences: strategic skills and knowledge essential for teaching staff and full-time employees to effectively support the strategy
  2. Strategic technologies: information systems, databases, technological assets, and networks essential for supporting the strategy;
  3. Action-supportive climate: the cultural shift necessary to inspire, empower, and engage employees as key drivers of the strategy.

The University fosters a culture of quality by establishing a comprehensive internal quality assurance system aimed at enhancing teaching, scientific research, and administrative processes. Policies and procedures governing internal quality assurance are outlined in a formally adopted document. Moreover, the role of students across all academic levels in both University management and internal quality assurance framework is clearly defined institutionally.

Our study programs are both comprehensive and authentic, designed with careful consideration for compatibility with related programs. This ensures alignment, both formally and structurally, with accredited foreign programs in terms of enrollment conditions, duration of studies, requirements for advancing to the next academic year, diploma attainment, and study methods. With the aim of providing students with intellectually demanding education and equipping them with essential 21st century skills, alongside the objective of attaining international prominence and competitive recognition for our economic, social, and cultural contributions to the region and country, we have meticulously aligned our study programs across all relevant categories with those offered by accredited universities worldwide. The study programs adhere to established accreditation standards and are implemented in accordance with the following criteria: adoption of the ECTS (ESPB) credit system; encouragement of student and teacher mobility through collaboration with European universities; introduction of a diploma comparability system with similar study programs at European universities, notably through diploma supplements; implementation of a semester-based class organization principle and corresponding study progression pathways.

The study programs encompass all elements required by the Law- they are grounded in scientific principles, conform to accreditation standards, have a clearly articulated purpose and role within the educational system. Moreover, the goals, learning outcomes, and acquired knowledge and skills of the study programs are distinctly defined and aligned with the fundamental objectives and mission of the University; the study programs also include a comprehensive list and structure of both compulsory and elective subjects, and their detailed descriptions. They are meticulously designed to reflect contemporary global trends and advancements in the fields of economics, informatics, law, and art, while also aligning with the standards of science and profession. Furthermore, these programs are comparable with those offered by relevant foreign higher education institutions, ensuring international relevance. Students are admitted to study programs in compliance with the Law, via a joint call for admission announced by the University Senate. Student progress in mastering study programs is assessed using ECTS (ESPB) points. The teaching staff has the necessary scientific and professional qualifications to effectively deliver the study programs. Adequate human, spatial, technical, library, IT, and other resources are allocated to support the execution of the study programs, tailored to their specific requirements and the anticipated student enrollment. Moreover, the study programs facilitate teacher and student mobility. Regular quality checks of study programs through self-evaluation are incorporated into our framework. Students are encouraged to contribute to the security and quality control of study programs. This involvement includes active participation in two surveys assessing the performance of teachers and associates, as well as one survey evaluating the University and all its operational aspects.

The University uses structured procedures to evaluate its study programs, incorporating feedback from the labor market, garnered through collaboration with professional associations, employers' associations, chambers of commerce, and other relevant users. Additionally, student perspectives are systematically collected through surveys, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of program effectiveness and relevance. The appointment of teaching staff, associates and non-teaching staff expenses for teaching purposes are regulated in line with norms and standards outlined by both the Government and the Ministry, governing the operations of higher education institutions.

Student assessment is conducted according to equitable, transparent, and consistent criteria and grading regulations established by the Senate, ensuring uniform application across all evaluations. These criteria and procedures, known as the "Criteria and Procedures for Student Assessment," are readily accessible to students across all study programs, both on the institution's website and within the premises, fostering clarity and accessibility.

Examinations align closely with the learning objectives of each specific study program. Students actively participate in the teaching process, engaging in discussions, practical exercises, case study preparation, seminar papers, homework assignments, and colloquia. These interactive methods facilitate a deeper understanding and mastery of the material within specific subject areas, enhancing the learning experience. An electronic system has been implemented for tracking student passing grades. The student's final grade comprises both the assessment of pre-exam responsibilities (such as active class participation, successful colloquium completion, seminar paper defense, homework completion, etc.) and demonstration of knowledge during the exam.

The University consistently gathers data and conducts passability analyses in order to evaluate student success at study programs and faculty levels, implementing initiatives to enhance student achievement. Ensuring an ample number of proficient teaching staff (including teachers and associates) is prioritized to attain educational objectives, uphold academic standards, and sustainability of its study programs.

The university actively formulates a policy to facilitate the training of teaching staff, empowering them to pursue both professional and scholarly development. Clear procedures for selection and advancement of teaching staff are established in advance, made readily accessible to the public, and meticulously adhere to relevant legal frameworks. The selection committees responsible for evaluating candidates are experts in the specific scientific field(s) and branches relevant to the candidate's application for appointment to academic title.

The University’s sufficient number of administrative staff ensures smooth and consistent execution of all operational tasks. Throughout the year, the University prioritizes the training, development, and assessment of the staff in order to enhance their skills and performance.

The University ensures ample resources, including classrooms, laboratories, library materials, computers, musical instruments, and individual/group learning spaces, to cater to the needs of both teaching staff and enrolled students. This commitment aims to enhance the learning environment and facilitate the effective utilization of resources. The resources allocated for the implementation of study programs are meticulously assessed for functionality, age, ergonomics, and accessibility to ensure adequacy. Regular internal evaluations by both students and teaching staff contribute to ongoing assessments. Additionally, the University building, equipped with modern resources, is newly constructed. Plans are underway for further renovation and expansion to meet evolving needs.

The founder and owner of the University actively contributes to covering ongoing material expenses. Furthermore, the university has established long-term financial security, essential for sustaining teaching and scientific activities, research initiatives, and professional activities, thereby ensuring financial stability. These funds are ample, facilitating the quality and anticipated enhancements in the University's operations.

The university is equipped with high-quality IT infrastructure essential for providing top-notch education. It provides students with access to the internet and necessary facilities. Specifically tailored for educating future IT engineers, the university offers licensed software covering programming languages, information systems security, electronic business, and database management. The university's information system facilitates the collection, analysis, and utilization of the data crucial for efficient management of teaching and other activities. Moreover, it enables the regular preparation of self-analysis reports aimed at quality assurance. Additionally, the university boasts a well-equipped library featuring an ample number of both printed and electronic resources, alongside adequate space to accommodate the smooth utilization of library services.

The university has established institutionalized public relations procedures. It consistently publishes impartial, objective, and verifiable information regarding all its programs and degrees, primarily on its Serbian-language website and occasionally in English. The University formulates a comprehensive public communication policy and strategy, developing target audience such as students, alumni, governmental bodies, NGOs, businesses, and the wider community. This strategy outlines tailored communication approaches for each group and establishes institutional frameworks for engaging with the public effectively. The university consistently holds press conferences in order to present vital information to the public. Moreover, it maintains organized communication channels with various stakeholders, including representatives from the labor market, social partners, and the community at large. Additionally, the university systematically collects and shares organized data on the career progression of its alumni, ensuring public accessibility, primarily through its website.

The university fosters strong connections with its alumni and the companies where they work through a well-structured alumni association. Annually, prior to student enrollment, the university meticulously prepares and distributes catalogues, brochures, and guides tailored to each faculty's enrollment requirements.

The University has actively cultivated various forms of international collaboration, engaging in European (international) projects, bilateral agreements, and joint programs. Facilitating these activities is the dedicated Office for International Cooperation. The University prioritizes and facilitates the international mobility of both students and teaching staff, using their experiences in order to enrich its programs. Additionally, it has established procedures and allocates resources to bolster its international initiatives.

The University has a dedicated Quality Assurance Committee along with Commissions tasked with monitoring, enhancing, and evolving the quality of study programs and working conditions. Integral to this endeavor is the ongoing process of self-evaluation, which actively engages both staff and students across the University. This self-evaluation process adheres to established standards, quality indicators, and performance measures outlined in general legal regulations and internal University policies. The summary document of this process is the Self-Evaluation Report. The self-evaluation report serves as a basis for changes and improvement of the teaching process, and also as a source of information for future employers about the knowledge and skills that students acquire. Additionally, it enables the University to review the quality of its programs, and the diploma that students acquire, it enables reviewers to obtain an accurate insight into the state of the institution in order to be able to provide an assessment of its quality. To fulfill its fundamental objectives, the University meticulously plans and monitors the outcomes of its educational, scientific, research, and professional activities. The self-evaluation process is guided by predetermined priorities, including the adoption of international standards in higher education and the establishment of conducive environments for their effective implementation. Additionally, the University focuses on the development of quality indicators to continuously enhance its performance.

The University permanently monitors contemporary scientific trends and achievements, ensuring the integration of cutting-edge knowledge into its educational framework. Through the implementation of modern curricula and programs, alongside the utilization of state-of-the-art global and national quality control methodologies, the University effectively imparts this knowledge to its students.

The University is committed to monitoring and continuously enhancing its set goals and objectives. Through the University Development and Quality Assurance Strategy, it establishes its mission, vision, strategic goals, and corresponding plans and activities tailored to achieve each strategic objective.

The management is dedicated to advancing the University's commitment to upholding European values, including institutional autonomy, academic freedom, and social equality. This commitment is fostered through active involvement of both students and teaching staff. Moreover, the management recognizes that the effectiveness of strategy implementation outweighs the strategy itself in importance.

Our strategic opportunities include: Establishing a model of a well-structured and efficiently organized University; Becoming a regional leader in education across social, technical, technological sciences and humanities; Embracing and implementing the fundamental principles of the Bologna process, such as academic cycles, modularization, mobility, and the ECTS/ESPB credit system; Enhancing educational practices and application of modern educational technologies for improved learning outcomes;

Our Strategy for seeking ways to overcome weaknesses is the following: Investments in the educational system at the University; Improving the quality of educational work and improving the personnel structure.

The University's priority development goals encompass: - facilitating the successful selection and enrollment of prospective students across all educational levels. - attracting and retaining high-caliber, motivated teaching and non-teaching staff. - fostering a culture of scientific engagement and innovation. - enhancing material resources to sustain the University's development. - cultivating partnerships and collaboration with various stakeholders across all levels of the community.

Dear future students, current students, and friends of MB University,

We kindly invite you to join our esteemed academic community at MB University, accredited and located across Belgrade, Sremska Kamenica, and Mladenovac. Tailor your academic journey according to your interests and aspirations by selecting from our diverse range of study programs. Whether it's one of our four undergraduate programs, five master's programs, or four doctoral programs, embarking on this educational path ensures you're on the right track towards gaining valuable knowledge and earning a university diploma in your chosen future profession.


                                                                                                                                                Join us at MB University, where the pursuit of knowledge meets excellence.



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