MB University

Drugi stepen (master) studije - O studijama

All master's degree programs at MB University are accredited by the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NEAQUA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development. These programs adhere to the principles outlined in the Bologna Declaration and facilitate the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

The curriculums are modelled after the programs from esteemed European faculties and universities, incorporating valuable experience from our region. Our study programs are meticulously designed to meet the demands of the business environment. Students engage in internships and tackle practical challenges in their master's theses, collaborating with a wide range of partners including companies, banks, legal entities, institutes, cultural institutions, and other organizations affiliated with MB University.

Upon successful completion of master's academic studies in programs such as Industrial and Economic Management, Economics, Business Management, Sports Management, Security Management, Business Law, Information Technologies and Systems, and Classical Painting, students are conferred with the following academic titles: Master Manager, Master of Laws, Master Engineer of Information Technologies and Systems (60 ECTS), and the professional title of Master Fine Artist (120 ECTS). These qualifications denote the completion of the students' master's academic journey. These titles are awarded to the students:

  • koji su pokazali znanje i razumevanje u oblasti menadzmenta i biznisa, prava, elektrotehnike i računarstva, informacionih tehnologija i sistemi, kao i umetničke veštine iz oblasti likovnih umetnosti, koje dopunjuje znanje stečeno na osnovnim akademskim studijama i predstavlja osnovu za razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja i primenu znanja;
  • koji su u stanju da primene znanje u rešavanju problema u novom ili nepoznatom okruženju u širim ili multidisciplinarnim oblastima unutar obrazovno-naučnog odnosno obrazovno-umetničkog polja studija;
  • koji imaju sposobnost da integrišu znanje, rešavaju složene probleme i da rasuđuju na osnovu dostupnih informacija koje sadrže promišljanja o društvenim i etičkim odgovornostima povezanim sa primenom njihovog znanja i sudova;
  • koji su u stanju da na jasan i nedvosmislen način prenesu znanje i način zaključivanja stručnoj, umetničkoj i široj javnosti;
  • koji poseduju sposobnost da nastave studije na način koji će samostalno izabrati.

Nastava se obavlja u malim grupama, po principu mentorskog sistema, sa posebnim akcentom na analizi slučaja (case study) i povezivanju teorijske nastave sa praksom. Ovakav koncept studijskih programa obezbeđuje studentima različita znanja i veštine savremenog poslovanja i otvara veće mogućnosti pri zapošljavanju.

Keep pace with the times and choose the right future!

For further details regarding study programs and courses, please visit our website. You can also pre-register for the study program through this website.

To apply for direct enrollment at MB University, please click here

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