MB University

About MB University in Belgrade

MB University in Belgrade (hereinafter: University) is an independent institution of higher education that integrates educational, scientific, research, professional and artistic work as components of a unique process of higher education. The founders of MB University are Faculty of Business and Law and Academy of Classical Painting.

The founders identified the reasons for establishing MB University in accordance with the development priorities of the Republic of Serbia, the need to improve the qualification structure of the population, the development of various professions, science and art, and providing highly skilled staff, material and spatial conditions for the realization of high quality higher education in two scientific fields: Business and Law, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and one artistic field: Fine Arts (within the framework of the educational-artistic field "Arts"). The founders adopted the University's principal objectives in accordance with the goals of higher education defined by law.

Univerzitet je samostalna privatna visokoškolska obrazovno-umetnička ustanova koja će školovati visokostručne kadrove za kvalitetan i kreativan rad, u oblasti menadžmenta i biznisa, pravnih nauka, elektrotehničkog i računarskog inženjerstva i likovne umetnosti, na sva tri stepena studija, u skladu sa čl. 44. i 37. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju („Sl. glasnik RS“, br. 88/2017, 73/2018, 27/2018 – dr. zakon, 67/2019 i 6/2020 – dr. zakoni). Univerzitet je pravno lice, kao samostalna visokoškolska ustanova sa pravima, obavezama i odgovornostima utvrđenim zakonom i ovim Statutom. U sastavu Univerziteta su: integrisani fakulteti sa svojstvom pravnog lica, druge visokoškolske jedinice, naučne ustanove bez statusa pravnog lica, organizacione jedinice bez statusa pravnog lica, koje čine Univerzitet.

The University is registered with the court registry in the Commercial Court in Belgrade. In legal transactions with third parties, the University acts in its own name and on its own behalf.

The University has been established with the goal to be a leading institution aiming to provide valuable scientific, professional and artistic knowledge and skills, contributing to advancement of science, higher education, research and providing lifelong, high-quality education. It also aims to improve the quality of academic curriculums that are relevant to current and future needs, promote the programs that will empower students and contribute to their success, enrich learning experience through extra-curricular academic activities, promote research, enhance competitiveness, and continuously evolve to fulfil mission, vision and goals.

The University is an independent institution of higher education established with the goal to provide harmonized operation of its units. It is committed to continuous improvement of quality, maximizing the use of resources (teaching staff and material resources as well). It strives to establish and maintain the highest standards in teaching, learning process, aiming to become an institution that continuously enriches academic curriculums, promotes programs that empower students and contribute to their success. It organizes extracurricular activities, expands academic research, boosting the competitiveness and continuous progress aiming to fulfill mission, vision and goals of the University. The University integrates educational, scientific, research, professional and artistic work, in accordance with the law and Statute.

Study programs are realized within one or more educational-scientific, i.e. educational-artistic fields based on the list established by the National Council:

- social sciences and humanities

- technical and technological sciences

- art


Recognizing the fact that higher education fuels knowledge-driven progress, economic prosperity, and cultural advancement, MB University is dedicated to upholding the highest academic standards. We equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead fulfilling lives, contribute meaningfully to society, and advocate for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Our mission aligns with projected national development, ensuring graduates are prepared to fulfil the need of both current and projected national development. MB University is committed to achieving its mission by improving the quality of higher education and actively participating in the European area of higher education. By attaining widely recognized quality benchmarks within the academic community, MB University will solidify its position as a leading educational institution within our region. This achievement will not only benefit the University itself but it will also contribute to the overall advancement of education and knowledge development in our environment.

The ultimate goal pursued by MB University is inclusion in the unique European educational area in accordance with the highest quality standards of educational, scientific research and professional work.


MB University: A dynamic, globally recognized, Serbian and European university committed to excellence. We offer study programs, teaching, research, and professional development on par with top-ranked international institutions.

MB University: A dynamic, globally recognized, Serbian and European university committed to excellence. We offer study programs, teaching, research, and professional development on par with top-ranked international institutions. Rooted in modern advancements, MB University envisions a global future built on humane and sustainable work and living conditions. By developing new components of education, MB University integrates knowledge, work, personal well-being, and environmental responsibility. This unique approach fosters learning, creativity, and collaborative problem-solving, transcending cultural, religious, national, and political barriers. By promoting tolerance and bridging the generation gap, we empower individuals to co-create a brighter future. Modern education cultivates a powerful force for the 21st century: a balanced blend of analytical and practical intelligence. MB University embraces this vision through a quality assurance system that leverages the most effective global and national methods, which enables us to continuously educate and empower young, talented individuals within our region, driving sustainable socio-economic development. We achieve this by rigorously measuring and enhancing our methods, ensuring we always provide the best possible learning experience.


These involve performing the activities of higher education institution, i.e. scientific and research activities as a component of a unique process of higher education, expert and consultant and other activities with the aim to commercialize the results of our scientific, research, and artistic work, remaining committed to maintaining the highest quality of teaching as our core mission. All other activities are carefully balanced to ensure they never compromise our students' learning experience.

The goals of MB University are the following:
  • transferring valuable scientific, artistic, and professional knowledge and skills to students enrolled in undergraduate, master and doctoral studies across various disciplines such as management, business, legal sciences, electrical and computer engineering, and fine arts.
  • fostering the development and advancement of science and the enhancement of artistic creativity within the accredited domains of the Faculty of Business and Law and the Academy of Classical Painting, both integral components of the University.
  • educating young professionals in scientific, artistic, and professional fields within the disciplines associated with the faculties of the University
  • educating a dynamic student population committed to continual acquisition and generation of new knowledge in diverse scientific and artistic domains including management and business, legal sciences, electrical and computer engineering, and fine arts;
  • ensuring equitable access to higher education opportunities for all individuals across diverse demographic groups throughout their lifespans;
  • contributing to the rise in the number of residents holding higher education degrees, in adherence to the approved accredited quota for student enrollment across all three academic levels.;
  • ensuring the international accessibility of MB University by welcoming foreign students and fostering active collaboration with universities abroad, particularly within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This includes establishing joint study programs, primarily at the second and third degree levels, facilitating student and faculty exchanges, and conducting collaborative research aligned with ERA research initiatives.

The adopted goals thoroughly validate the social justification behind the establishment of MB University, outlining its overarching direction for future activities and serving as the foundation for identifying the University's priorities in the forthcoming accreditation period.

The core objectives of MB University are specific and they directly align with the institution's founding goals. These objectives encompass enhancing the quality of teaching, advancing scientific research and artistic activities, refining enrollment policies, enhancing and expanding the educational framework of higher education institutions, and notably, enhancing the efficiency of learning. Additionally, they entail bolstering the university's material resources, constructing, adapting, and maintaining facilities for teaching, and ensuring the well-being of both students and teaching staff. In the upcoming period, the University's goals are geared towards strengthening international intellectual, scientific-technological, and cultural connections, while facilitating mobility of students and teaching staff. MB University is committed to actively participating in ongoing changes in order to provide students with contemporary and effective education, thus evolving into a modern higher education institution. By integrating into the broader European higher education landscape, alongside more established European universities, MB University aims to become a valued member of the European Community of Universities. All endeavors undertaken by the University MB are in accordance with set goals and tasks, periodically refined by the university's management board, wherein students play an active role.


MB University in Belgrade is an independent private higher education institution that combines a dynamic synergy of educational, scientific research, professional, artistic, and innovative activities, as outlined in Article 44 of the Law on Higher Education. With commitment to excellence, the University offers a diverse array of academic pursuits encompassing all types and degrees of studies. MB University provides comprehensive academic programs across multiple disciplines and levels, organized within three distinct fields and three specialized areas.

MB University in Belgrade stands as an independent, private institution of higher education dedicated to advancing higher education, science, technology, and the arts, thereby fostering the growth and development of both Serbia and Europe.

The educational activities at MB University are founded upon the following guiding principles:

  • academic freedom and academic autonomy;
  • integration of teaching and scientific and research work;
  • transparency and accessibility to the public and citizens;
  • adherence to the humanistic and democratic values of both European and national traditions;
  • adherence to human rights and civil liberties, encompassing the absolute prohibition of all forms of discrimination;
  • harmonization with the European higher education system and enhancement of academic mobility of both teaching staff and students;
  • embracing international standards in higher education and establishing conditions for their effective implementation;
  • involvement of students in management and decision-making processes, particularly regarding the matters crucial to the enhancement of teaching quality;
  • promoting competition in educational and research activities while enhancing the quality and efficiency of higher education system;
  • ensuring quality and enhancing study efficiency;
  • promoting cooperation among all participants in the work process, grounded in mutual respect, tolerance, and recognition of professional competence.

MB University conducts higher education and scientific research activities as integral components of a unique higher education process. It engages in expert consulting and other activities aimed at commercializing its research outcomes, publishing activities, and can undertake additional initiatives in order to commercialize scientific research results, provided that the quality of education remains uncompromised by such activities.

The core activity of the University is higher education, identified by the activity code 85.42.

MB University engages in additional activities as registered with the Commercial Court:

  • other education – code 85.59,
  • supplementary educational activities – code 85.60,
  • research and experimental development in natural and technical and technological sciences – code 72.1,
  • research in the domain of social science and humanities – code 72.2,
  • editing for printing media services – code 18.13,
  • duplicating recorded materials – code 18.20,
  • publishing books, magazines, and other publishing activities – code 58.11,
  • publishing directories and address books – code 58.12,
  • publishing magazines and periodicals – code 58.14,
  • other publishing activities – code 58.19,
  • computer programming for consulting and related services – code 62.0,
  • computer programming – code 62.01,
  • consulting services in the field of information technology – code 62.02,
  • computer equipment management services – code 62.03,
  • other information technology related services – code 62.09,
  • information service activities – code 63,
  • data processing, hosting, and related activities;
  • web portals – code 63.1,
  • library and archive – code 91.01.
The university conducts its primary activities according to the classification of activities. At MB University, the following are organized:
  • undergraduate studies;
  • master studies;
  • doctoral studies.
Study programs are implemented at faculties within the following educational-scientific or educational-artistic fields:
  • social sciences and humanities;
  • technical and technological studies;
  • art.

 The jurisdiction of MB University in Belgrade is determined by the provisions of Article 48 of the Law on Higher Education, the Statute of the University and other regulations.

Autonomy of MB University

According to the Article 58 of the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia, the University has the right to independently:

  • design study programs;
  • establish study regulations and conditions for student enrollment;
  • organize internal structure;
  • adopt statutes and elect governing bodies, management, student parliament, and other entities, in accordance with the law;
  • select teaching staff and associates;
  • issue official documents;
  • manage financial resources, in compliance with relevant laws;
  • use the property, in accordance with the Law;
  • make decisions about accepting projects and contracts for international cooperation;
  • publish and publicly present scientific findings and artistic achievements;
  • The University also has the right on freedom of choice of methods of interpretation of teaching materials and
  • other rights arising from sound academic practice.

The University premises are inviolable, and entry by members of the body responsible for internal affairs requires permission from the University President, except in cases of imminent danger to general safety, life, physical integrity, health, or property.

Functions of MB University in Belgrade

 The university consolidates the functions of all its constituent institutions and units, notably the faculties, through the implementation of a unified policy aimed at continual enhancement of teaching, advancement of scientific research, and fostering artistic creativity.

In order to accomplish the objectives outlined in the preceding paragraph, the University possesses specialized competencies in the following areas:

  • strategic planning;
  • establishment of uniform standards for the operations of services and departments, and standardized protocols for constructing a comprehensive database of all units;
  • adoption of study programs;
  • assurance of quality control;
  • admission policies;
  • election to the scientific and research title of teaching staff;
  • issuing diplomas and diploma supplements;
  • international cooperation and mobility of interest of the University as a unit, in accordance with University Statute;
  • defining codex of professional ethics and rules of behavior in the institution;
  • managing intellectual property in the process of knowledge transmission;
  • planning investments;
  • planning employment policies and hiring teaching staff and associates;
  • forming development of a unique information system;
  • lifelong education;
  • career guidance, advising and student support.

The faculty and the departments are entitled to put forward proposals regarding the matters outlined in paragraph 2 of this article. They can do so by submitting proposals and initiatives to the appropriate bodies of the University.

According to the Article 59 of the Law on Higher Education, the University engages in the following activities:
  • conducting scientific research and performing artistic activities to advance knowledge and foster creativity, enhancing higher education practices including improving teaching quality, nurturing scientific and artistic talent among students, facilitating their exposure to research and artistic pursuits, and providing material support for the university's growth and development;
  • scientific activities at the university encompass basic, applied, and developmental research, while artistic activities involve the carrying out various artistic project;
  • artistic activities at the university include creations, interpretations, and artistic research, realized through diverse art projects;
  • In order to commercialize the outcomes of scientific research or artistic activities, a university or other higher education institution can establish scientific institutes, innovation centers, centers of excellence, technology transfer centers, science and technology business incubators, or innovation parks, among other organizations dedicated to innovation development and result commercialization, in accordance with the law.


According to Article 130 of the Law on Higher Education, MB University in Belgrade:
  • Implements the procedure for recognition of higher education documents obtained abroad. For diplomas obtained in the former republics of the SFRY, the recognition process applies to documents obtained after April 27, 1992.
  • As per Article 132 of the Law on Higher Education, the university recognizes foreign higher education documents for the purpose of further education.
  • The University Senate renders a final decision on requests for the recognition of higher education documents, and this is the final decision in the administrative process.

The University also fulfills additional duties outlined in the Law on Higher Education and other applicable regulations governing its operations.



 Building upon modern civilizational advancements, the University embraces a global perspective centered on humane and functional working environments, and sustainable environmental conditions. Following contemporary trends that emphasize the imperative for universities to assume leadership roles, our institution is committed to upholding and enhancing the features of a robust research university. Central to this mission is our dedication to fostering a dynamic environment conducive to the cultivation and transfer of knowledge and technology for the betterment of society. We prioritize excellence across all levels of studies at our university, recognizing their pivotal role in knowledge acquisition through research activities. Our unwavering commitment to enhancing teaching quality and advancing scientific research results in widespread acclaim for the exemplary pedagogical standards upheld across all faculties. At the core of our teaching excellence lies a solid foundation high quality scientific research, fostering novel scientific insights across a diverse array of disciplines and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.

Grounded in the fundamental principle of autonomy, our university demonstrates a conscientious commitment to achieving operational efficiency through a modern management system and functioning, particularly in the area of efficient coordination, advancement of administrative services, and information technology, accessible to all faculties. Our unwavering dedication to excellence underscores a focused effort on continually ensuring and elevating the standard of quality across all university functions. We place particular emphasis on ensuring and enhancing quality standards.

We foster existing collaborations while forging new partnerships with universities, research centers, and multinational corporations. Through this coordinated effort, we establish and fortify a network geared towards facilitating student mobility, and the exchange of knowledge and cutting-edge technologies. The students of the University of Niš, now distinguished scientists and educators at esteemed positions in renowned universities, and researchers acclaimed by the global scientific community, serve as the embodiment of our institution's excellence. They stand as inspiring role models for aspiring academic scholars, showcasing that remarkable achievements can be attained through the effective utilization of modern study methods, personal dedication, and unwavering commitment, consistently yielding commendable outcomes. The quality assurance strategy at MB University aims to attain the objectives outlined by legislation and it aligns with the University's vision for advancing higher education. 

In accordance with the mission and vision of higher education at the University, strategic goals of achieving high quality standards are the following:
  • Formulating a strategy for quality assurance and implementing a process of continual, systematic enhancement in order to elevate the quality of higher education provision at the University;
  • Management, fostering an internal culture of quality assurance, and fostering continuous improvement initiatives to improve the quality of study programs;
  • Establishing a procedure to ensure the quality of study programs and enhance the effectiveness of academic activities;
  • Improvement of teaching process;
  • Improvement of procedures for student's assessment and quality of evaluation of students’ work;
  • Development of human resources and refining the process for student evaluation of teachers' pedagogical performance;
  • Enhancing the quality and the intensity of scientific research conducted by the teaching staff;
  • Enhancing the quality of management processes to ensuring the sustainable development of the University;
  • Improving the quality of physical resources and rational organization of all resources at the University;
  • Improving the information system and the quality of non-teaching support services to bolster the core activities of the University,
  • Improvement of working conditions at the University;
  • Improving transparency of the University's work and increasing the University's contribution to the academic, local and national community, and
  • Development and advancement of international cooperation of the University.
  •  Ustav RS („Službeni glasnik RS“ br. 98/06) – Zakon o visokom obrazovanju („Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije“, broj 88/2017, 27/2018 i 73/2018
  • Law on Scientific Research (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 110/2005, 50/2006, 18/2010 and 112/2015)
  • Law on public administration (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 42/91, 71/94, 79/05, 81/05, 83/05, 83/14) – Law on Innovation Activities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 110/05 and 18/2010, 55/2013)
  • Law on the Seal of State and other Institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, number 101/07)
  • Law on General Administrative Procedure (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, number 18/2016)
  • Law on the Appearance and Use of the Coat of Arms, Flag and Anthem of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, number 36/09)
  • Law on Official Use of Languages and Scripts (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, number 45/91, 53/93, 67/93, 48/94 and 101/05, 30/10, 47/2018 and 48/2018)
  • Law on Contracts and Torts („Official Gazette of SFRY“, number 29/78, 39/85,45/89)
  • Decision of USJ and 57/89, „ Official Gazette of SRJ“ number 31/93, „ Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro“ number 1/2003- Constitutional Order),
  • Labour Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 24/05, 61/05, 54/09, 32/13 and 75/14, 13/2017 and 113/2017), – Law on State and Other Holidays (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 43/01, 101/07 and 92/2011),
  • Law on Copyright and Related Rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 104/09, 99/2011, 119/2012 and 29/2016)
  • Law on Cultural Property (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 71/94, 52/2011 and 99/2011)
  • Law on Administrative Fees and Charges (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 43/03, 51/03, 61/05, 101/05, 5/09, 54/09, 50/11, 70/11., 55/12, 93/12, 47/13, 65/13,57/2014., 45/2015, 83/2015, 112/2015, 50/2016, 61/2017, 113/2017, 3/2018, 50/2018 and 95/2018))
  • Law on Healthcare (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 107/2005, 72/2009, 88/2010, 99/2010, 57/2011, 119/2012, 45/2013, 93/2014, 96/2015, 106/2015, 113/2017 and 105/2017) – Law on Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Person with Disabilities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 36/2009) Information brochure of the University in Nis 2019. 9
  • Law on Health and Safety at Work (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 101/2005, 91/2015 and 113/2017)
  • Law on Prevention of Harassment at Work, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 36/2010)
  • Law on Preventing Population from Exposure to Tobacco Smoke (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 30/2010)
  • Law on Pension and Disability Insurance (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 34/2003, 64/2004 –Decision of USRS, 84/04 –other law, 85/05, 101/05 –other law and 63/06 –decision of USRS –further on: Law on Pension and Disability Insurance 5/2009, 107/2009, 101/2010, 93/2012, 62/2013, 108/2013, 75/2014, 142/2014 and 73/2018)
  • Law on Health Insurance (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 107/2005 and 109/2005 –corrected, 57/2011, 110/2012- Decision of US and 119/2012, 99/2014, 106/2015 and 10/2016)
  • Law on Fire Protection (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 111/2009, 20/2015, 87/2018 and 87/2018)
  • Law on Salaries in Public and State Services (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 34/2001, 62/2006 –of the Law and 63/2006 and 116/2008 –corrected, provisions of the Law 92/2011, 99/2011, 10/2013, 55/2013, 99/2014, 21/16)
  • Law on Employees in Public Services Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 113/2017) – Law on Salary System for Public Sector Employees (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 18/2016, 108/2016, 113/2017 and 95/2018)
  • Regulation on norms and working standards on public-financed universities and faculties (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 15/02, 100/04, 26/05, 38/07 and 110/07)
  • Regulation on Coefficients for Calculation of Salaries of Public Service Employees (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 44/01, 15/02 –other regulations, 30/02, 32/02 – corrected., 69/02, 78/02, 61/03, 121/03, 130/03, 67/04, 120/04, 5/05, 26/05, 81/05, 105/05, 109/05, 27/06, 32/06, 58/06, 82/06, 106/06, 10/07, 40/07, 60/07, 91/07, 106/07, 7/08, 9/08, 24/08, 26/08, 31/08, 44/08, 54/08, 108/08, 113/08, 79/09, 25/10, 91/10, 20/11, 65/11, 100/11, 11/12, 124/12, 8/13, 4/14, 58/14)
  • Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 22/2009)
  • Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 120/04, 54/07, 104/09 and 36/10)
  • Law on Public Procurement (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015)
  • Law on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2019 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 95/2018)
  • Law on Budget System (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 54/2009, 73/2010, 101/2010, 101/2011, 93/2012, 62/2013, 63/2013., 108/2013, 142/2014, 68/2015, 103/2015, 99/2016, 113/2017 and 95/2018)),
  • Law on Public Property (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 72/2011, 88/2013 and 105/2014, so4/2016 and 108/2016),
  • Regulation on Budget Accounting (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 125/03 and 12/06)
  • Law on Fiscal Cash Registers (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 135/04, 93/12)
  • Regulation on Determining Activities in Which There Is No Obligation to Record Retail Transactions Using an Electronic Fiscal Device (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 18/09 and supporting documents)
  • Uredba o visini naknade nužnih troškova za izdavanje kopije dokumenata na kojima se nalaze informacije od javnog značaja („Službeni glasnik RS“, broj 8/2006)
  • Law on Anti-Corruption Agency (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 97/08, 53/10 and 66/11- Decision of Constitutional Court 67/13, 112/13, and 8/2015 )
  • Law on Pupil and Students Standards (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 18/10, 55/13, 27/2018),
  • Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Business (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 94/2017),
  • Regulation on Documentation and Records of Higher Education Institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 40/09 and 69/11)
  • Information brochure of MB University in Belgrade;
  • Rulebook on the evaluation of fulfilment of obligations of the higher education institutions in regard to quality (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 112/2006),
  • Regulation on the Register of Higher Education Institutions, Study Programs, Teaching Staff, Associates and other Employees Official Gazette of RS number 21/2006)
  • Rulebook on Work Permit (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 21/2006),
  • Regulation on the List of Professional, Academic and Scientific Names. (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 53/17, 114/17,52/2018, 21/19),
  • Regulation on Standards for Self-evaluation and Quality Assessment of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programs (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 13/2019),
  • Regulation on Scientific, Artistic, or Professional Fields within Educational-Scientific or Educational-Artistic Fields Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 114/2017),
  • Regulation for Initial Accreditation of Institutions and Study Programs (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 88/2017),
  • Regulation on Standards and Procedures for External Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 13/2019),
  • Regulation on Standards and Procedures for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 13/2019),
  • Regulation on the Procedure, Method of Evaluation, and Quantitative Expression of Research Results of Researchers, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 24/2016)
  • Recommendations of the National Council on Further Conditions for the Appointment to the Academic Title of Teachers, National Council for Higher Education, May 4th, 2007, (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia number 30/07),
  • Minimum Requirements for Appointment to Academic Title at the University (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, number 101/2015, 102/2016 and 119/2017)
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